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Action Driven by Our Oath


As veterinarians, we are entrusted by society to take the lead in advocating for the welfare of all animals.

VAFAW was formed out of a need for increased veterinary leadership, education, and advocacy focused on the welfare of animals used in food and fiber production systems.


Veterinarians take an oath to use their "scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare and the prevention and relief of animal suffering.*" As a diverse group of veterinarians, we want to see animal welfare research informing animal agricultural policy and practices through legislation, regulations, industry standards, and corporate protocols.


From livestock barns to the halls of Congress and veterinary schools to slaughterhouses, we use our veterinary voice and expertise to meaningfully improve farm animal welfare.



    *“Veterinarian’s Oath,” American Veterinary Medical Association, accessed June 28, 2023,


Veterinarians are known for their compassion, scientific understanding, and pragmatism; VAFAW seeks to leverage this unique constellation of professional attributes to speed up the pace of progress when it comes to improving farm animal welfare.


Gwendolen Reyes-Illg, DVM, MA (Board Member, Chair & Director of Policy Development)


VAFAW is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. (EIN 93-1583316)

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